
Logos Tessellations




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
M. C. Escher questions Student read about Escher, but didn't answer the questions. Student read about Escher and one question was answered correctly. Student read about Escher and two questions were answered correctly. Student read about Escher and three questions were answered correctly. %20
Looking at Escher's Tessellations Student looked at all or some of Escher's tessellations Student looked at all or some of Escher's tessellations and chose the one they liked the best. Student looked at all of Escher's tessellations and chose the one they liked the best and explained briefly why they chose it. Student looked at all of Escher's tessellations and chose the one they liked the best and gave concrete reasons why they chose it. %20
Looking at other artist's tellsellations Student looked at all or some of other artist's tessellations. Student looked at all or some of other artist's tessellations and chose the one they liked the best. Student looked at all of the other artist's tessellations and chose the one they liked the best and explained briefly why they chose it. Student looked at all of the other artist's tessellationsaand chose the one they liked the best and gave concrete reasons why they chose it. %20
Student Tessellation Student made an effort to make a tessellation. Student made a tessellation, but there were gaps between the pieces or the tessellation was extremely simple. Student made a tessellation with no gaps and the tessellation had a least two changes from the original shape. Student made a tessellation with no gaps and the tessellation had a least two changes from the original shape. There is drawing of a recognizable object in the tessellation. %40

Total Score: %100

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