
Earth it`s Alive



"Subdivision Development Project Rubric"

Evaluation Project 1: Rubric

Product must show creativity and organization. Students will be evaluated on style, organization, originality, and proper citations and permissions.

Evaluation Project 2:

Product must show creativity and organization. Title must be creative, spark interest and related to the topic. The main topic must be named and clearly described in text. Writing must be clear and cohesive.

Advance 4

Proficient 3

Basic 2

Below Basic 1


Project shows detailed and
complete evidence of the effects
the development would have on
soil composition and how clear
cutting would affect the
environment; also includes ways
to avoid/fix these problems

Project shows detailed
evidence of the effects:
1) the creation of the
subdivision would have
on soil composition; 2)
clear cutting would have
on the environment

Project shows
some evidence of
the effects the
development of
the subdivision
would have, but
not very detailed

Inaccurate or no evidence of the effects the
development would have


In addition to showing detailed
evidence of how the development
might affect wind and water
erosion, includes ways these
problems could be

Project shows detailed
evidence of how the
development might affect
wind and water erosion

Project shows
some evidence of
how the
development might
affect wind and
water erosion, but
lacking specifics

Inaccurate or no evidence of how the
development might affect wind and water


In addition to showing detailed
evidence of how the development
might alter the deposition of
sediment, includes ways to
prevent these problems

Project shows detailed
evidence of how the
development might alter
the deposition of

Project shows
some evidence of
how the
development might
alter the deposition
of sediment

Inaccurate or no evidence of how the
development might alter the deposition of

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