
Mrs. Hester's Psych Webquest



Here you will find the rubric I will use when grading. 


# 4 3 2 1 Score
Number of Posts 2 posts per theorist Missing 1 post total Missing 2 posts total Missing 3 or more posts total Possible Points: 4
Creativity Student used conventional twitter lingo such as hashtags and twitter handles. Pictures are also included of the theorist. Student used conventional twitter lingo such as hashtags and twitter handles. Pictures are not included. Student used very little conventional twitter lingo and was inconsistent with its use. Student did not use any conventional twitter lingo. Possible Points: 4
Grammar No mistakes 1-2 errors in spelling or grammer 3-4 errors in spelling or grammer 5 or more errors in spelling or grammar Possible Points: 4
Facts Student included 3 facts about each theory, including its name. Student included 2 facts about each theory, including its name. Student included 1 fact about each theory or included its name. Student did not address any fact about the theory or its name. Possible Points: 4

Total Score: Possible Points: 16

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WebQuest Hits: 175
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