
A balanced diet.

How much do you know about food?


For the evaluation, students will have to play a Kahoot and through it will be evaluated the different objectives to achieve.



# 1 2 3 4 Score
Food and nutrition content. The student doesn't know the essential nutrients that body needs and doesn't understand the importance and benefits of a having a balanced diet. The student knows some contents about food and nutrition. The student knows the essential nutrients that body needs and understand the importance and benefits of a having a balanced diet. However, he/she doesn't know how to apply it. The student knows the essential nutrients that body needs and understand the importance and benefits of a having a balanced diet. Furthermore, the student applies the content during the different activities and in his/her life.
Group work. Shows complete lackk of ability or interest in working with others. Group worked well together but showed some difficulities. Problems led to issues with collaboration. Worked well together but some individual self awareness may be lacking. Worked very well together as a team. Everyone Participated as a whole and built off eachothers strengths and coped well with challenges.
Creativity, originality and effort. Little to no effort in creativity and thoughtfulness. Effort and creativity are lacking in some areas. Effort was good and on task. Creativity and originality is evident. Showed great effort and creativity. His/her work was original and different.

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