
Parts of thebody



You will be evaluated on the following 


# Excellent 10 marks Verygood 7-9 marks Good 5-7 marks poor 4-0 marks Score
Recognition: Students can identify and recognize the different parts of the body students are able to recognized all the part of the body students are able to recognized 6-4 parts of the body students are able to recognized 3 body parts students are able to 2 body parts and below
Explanation: Students can uses sentences to tell body parts functions Student could give sentences on most (if not all) of the body parts functions taken when shown pictures. Student could give sentences on 5 & above common body parts functions when shown pictures. Student was unable to give sentences on 5 body parts functions when shown pictures without cuing provided by the teacher. Student could not give sentences for any body parts functions
Participation: Students level of participation and attentiveness during the course of the lesson (Read aloud and group activities) Student was able to focus on lesson and perform group activities without guidance. Student was able to focus on lesson and perform group activities with minimal guidance. Student required moderate support and supervision to focus on the lesson. Student was not able to focus on lesson without constant guidance and redirection.

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