
Calling all Jazzers!


Each member in the group will receive an individual grade based on their participation, individual presentation, and final group product. This means that each member is held to the sam standard for the final draft, so make sure every member does their share. While points are given for creativity, the most points will be rewarded to the group that designs a well balanced program will challenging musical selections. 


# Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Score
Presentation Student presents 1 or more pieces of music that they chose for the program. Student gives personal explanation as to why they chose the piece for the theme. Student identifies at least three interesting musical elements in the piece. Presentation includes an audio example. Student presents 1 or more pieces of music they chose for the program. Student does not give personal explanation as to why they chose the piece for the program theme adequately. Student identifies at least three interesting musical elements in the piece. Presentation includes an audio example. Student presents 1 or more pieces of music they chose for the program. Student does not give personal explanation as to why they chose the piece for the theme. Student identifies less than three interesting elements in the piece. Presentation does not include an audio example. Student does not present their example. 50
Participation Student cooperated well with the other students in the group. Student chose at least one piece on the program. Student cooperated with other students in the group but was not involved in the process. Student chose at least 1 piece on the program. Student did not cooperate with the other students in the group and was not involved in the process. Student chose atleast 1 piece on the program. Student not not cooperate with the other students and was not involved in the process. Student did not choose a piece on the program. 15
Program & Creativity The theme, presentation, and final program all exhibit elements of creativity. Parts of the theme, presentation, and final program exhibit elements of creativity. The theme, presentation, or final program do not exhibit elements of creativity. The theme, presentation, and program are not the student's original work or ideas. 10
Selections Program is easy to read and well organized. Credit is given to all composers and arrangers. All pieces in the presentation are included in the program. Program is slightly unorganized but still readable. Credit is given to all composers and arrangers. All pieces in the presentation are included in the program. Program is unorganized. Credit is given to all composers and arrangers. All pieces in the presentation are included in the program. Program is unorganized. Credit is not given to composer or arranger. Pieces om the presentation were missing in the program. 25

Total Score: 100

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