
What is geography?



You will be graded on whether or not you completed the whole webquest. The rubric is provided that I will use to grade your work. Make sure it is thorough. 


# 4 3 2 1 Score
Question completeness Answers are in complete sentences and free of grammatical errors. Majority of questions are answered and mostly free of grammatical errors. Questions are not written in complete sentences. Many grammatical errors and left questions unanswered. 20
Organization Questions are all answered in order. Most questions are answered in order. Questions are out of order. No organization on answering questions. 20
Spelling Spelling is free of errors 1-2 spelling errors. 3-4 spelling errors. Many spelling errors. 20
Thoughtfullness Can tell the reader took time to look up the answers. Reader paraphrased majority of answers and put in their own words. Reader cited sources and put answers in their own words. No citations from sources. 20

Total Score: 80

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