
"Outside the Box" Project



Your project will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Preparation
  • Organization and Content
  • Delivery 
  • Visual Aid


# Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Almost Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Score
Preparation Prep sheet is completed in detail and thoughtfully answered in regards to content, spelling, and grammar. Prep sheet is completed and thoughtfully answered. Minimal errors. Prep sheet is partially completed or contains one word answers and incomplete sentences. Prep sheet was not handed in. 25 ponts
Organization and Content Presentation has a clear introduction, middle, and conclusion. Ideas are expressed clearly and transitions are smooth. Connections are thoroughly explained and easily understood. Presentation answers the basic questions posed by the project. Speaker sticks to topic. Speaker loses train of thought. Attempts to explain concepts and makes connections, but has some difficulty. Student is not on topic. Makes no connections. Cannot be understood by the audience. 25 points
Delivery Presentation is not rushed. Voice is loud and clear. Speaker is making good eye contact and demonstrates interest in their project. Presentation is loud and clear and is not rushed. Presentation is rushed or slowed by too many placeholders (ex: um, uh, like) or exaggerated pauses. Student does not use eye contact. Student does not use appropriate language. Disregards grammar. Cannot be heard or simply does not present. 25 points
Visual Aid Are done well and are used to enhance the presentation. Student is interacting with the object/aid, pointing out important items to the audience. Object/Aid is present and easily viewed by the audience. Object/Aid is present, but not easily viewed by the audience. There is no object or visual aid. 25 points

Total Score: 100 points

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