
A trip to Ireland



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Informations found on the internet and quality of work The student... only use of given web pages. doesn't work on the topic (playing, write e-mails, etc.). rarely use other web pages than the given ones. doesn't work constantly. use a variety of english web pages. work constantly and hard. use a variety of english web pages. work constantly, hard and with high-quality. %25
Cooperation with group members The student... doesn't share knowledge information. works alone. prevents others from working or getting information. communicates badly with other group members. prevents others from working or getting information. shares information, knowledge. doesn't have the same knowledge of the topic as the other group members. shares information, knowledge. Although the group splits work, the student know everything the others collected. %25
PowerPoint presentation The PowerPoint presentation... does include wrong information. is visualized badly or not visualised (backround, pictures,...). gives just basic knowledge. isn't properly visualised (this means: not in a way that could be expected from a 10th grande). gives a good summery of the topic. has to much distraction (backround, sound, pictures,...). gives high-quality information. is a good combination of information and visualisation (not to much or to less of both). %25
Language skills The student... doesn't speak. -when forced to speak:- makes serious and basic mistakes (presentation). makes a lot of mistakes. isn't able to form one whole sentence. speaks (nearly) fluently. needs a paper/help to form a correct sentence. speaks (nearly) correct. speaks freely. speaks (nearly) fluently. %25

Total Score: %100

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