
Introduction to Accounting



1. What is Accounting?

2. List three advantages and disadvantages of Accounting.

3. Explain three ways you can use accounting as a Business Student and give relevant examples.


# Excellent- 6 marks Very Good- 4 marks Good 3- marks Poor - 2 marks Score
What is Accounting? Information is vivid with added explanation Adequate attempt to define the term Good attempt to define the term Poor attempt in defining the term. Information is not vivid 10%
List three advantages and disadvantages of Accounting List of all the advantages and disadvantages that are clear. list of all advantages and disadvantages but not as clear. List of some advantages and disadvanatges Few advantages and disadvantages and are not clear 30%
Explain three ways you can use accounting as a Business Student. Benefits with good explanation and examples. Benefits with good explanation and fair examples Benefits with fair explanation and fair examples. Benefits with fair explanation and poor examples. 40%
Neatness and Participation 8% 6% 4% 2% 20%

Total Score: 100%

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