
Expressing Agreement and Disagreement


To knowing about the result the learners you can see below!


# best good enough bad Score
pronounciation if the learners pronounciation is correct and also good structure/grammar. if the learners pronounciation is correct. if the learners can speak. if the learners can not speak. 25%
fluency in speaking the learners can speak with very fluency. the learners can speak fluency. the learners speak not fluency. the learners can not speak. 25%
contain/diction the learners contain/diction is according to grammar and also good action. the diction/contain learners is good in language. the contain/diction is a little wrong. the contain/diction in grammar and language is wrong. 25%
confident the learners are very confident to show to forward. the learners are confident. the learners just little confident. the learners can not show or shy. 25%

Total Score: 100%

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