
Renewable Energy Webquest





# Not Yet Meeting Expectation Meeting Expectations Fully Meeting Expectation Exceeding Expectations Score
Research - content (individual mark) Little or no evidence of research provided. Most topics not covered. No supporting evidence given. A beginning level of performance and requires significant support during research process. Evidence of some research provided. Most topics covered. Minimal supporting evidence given. May need some support during research process. Evidence of research provided. All topics covered with some supporting evidence. Does not require support during research process. Research reflects mastery of performance. Evidence of extensive research provided. All topics fully covered with supporting evidence. Independently works during research process. Research reflects the highest level of performance. 0
Written Proposal - content (Individual mark) Proposal is not clearly explained. Energy source is not rated and/or no supporting reasons are given for recommendation. Proposal minimally explains energy source. Energy source rated and at least one supporting reason is given for recommendation. Proposal explains energy source. Energy source rated and at least three supporting reasons are given for recommendation. Proposal clearly explains energy source. Energy source rated and at least three detailed supporting reasons given for recommendation. 0
Written Proposal - mechanics (Individual mark) Problems with grammar, punctuation and spelling errors affect understanding of written proposal. Requires significant support. Proposal demonstrates satisfactory writing skills. Some problems with grammar, punctuation or spelling errors. Requires some support. Proposal demonstrates good writing skills. Minimal grammar, punctuation or spelling errors. Does not require any support. Proposal demonstrates outstanding writing skills. No grammar, punctuation or spelling errors No support is required. 0
Group Presentation (group mark) Some components of presentation are included demonstrating a basic level of understanding Difficulty hearing or understanding presenters. Notes are read all of the time. Visuals present, but they are not referred to and do not support or relate to topic. Presentation does not engage audience and confusing to follow. Audience is not convinced the presenters know their material. Most components of presentation are included (description of each energy source, rating, recommendation, supporting reasons) demonstrating a basic understanding of the material. Team members can be heard and speak clearly some of the time. Notes are read most of the time. Visuals are present, but they are not referred to at all. Presentation lacks creativity, and does not engage audience. Audience is not convinced that the presenters know their material. All components of presentation are included (description of each energy source, rating, recommendation, supporting reasons) demonstrating an understanding of the material. Team members can be heard, and speak clearly most of the time. Little or no reading of notes. Visuals used in presentation, but they do are not integrated into presentation. Presentation is interesting, creative, and attempts to convince the audience that the presenters know their material but not in at an expert level. All components of presentation are included (description of each energy source, rating, recommendation, supporting reasons) demonstrating a high level of understanding. All members can be heard, and speak clearly. Visuals fully integrated into presentation. Presentation is interesting, creative, and convinces the audience that the presenters are experts and know their material. 0

Total Score: 0

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