
Cognitive Psychology, Behaviorism, and Social Cognitive Theory



This the Grading rubric for this assignment:


# 5 (Best) 3 (Average) 1 (Below Average) 0 (Unsatisfactory) Score
Summary Provides full descriptions and goes in-depth with research. Gives small description and minimal research. Not descriptive and/or recycled research. Copies or does not complete assignment. _______
Sentences & Grammar All 36 sentences in depth and no Grammar issues. Turn assignment in on time. Provides 35-20 sentences and minimal grammar issues. 25- 12 sentence and ton of grammar issues. 12-0 Sentences and gave no effort to assignment . ________
Facts Shows the knowledge of each individual term and gives 4 examples. Also includes unique fact. Has some knowledge of terms and gives 3-2 examples. Little to no knowledge of terms and gives 2-0 examples. Does not participate in finding examples. _______
Collaboration Participate in group activity and shares information about the assignment together Gives recycled information to others. No info but attempts to participate with unique fact. Does not participate at all ________

Total Score:

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