
Cake Making



The most important part of this lesson is the evaluation which is to:

< identify the strength and weaknesses so they can be corrected.

< to ensure quality production

<  meet the objectives that were set out

< provide information to enhance knowledge for future use.



# Excellent 4 Good 3 satisfactory 2 poor 1 Score
use of knowledge student demonstrated good use of knowledge student made good use of knowledge but could have done more student demonstrated fair use of knowledge student did not demonstrate use of knowledge 4
Texture of cake texture is appealing flavor is unique texture is some what appealing texture needs improvement texture is lacking too dry 4
creativity an original idea that pays attention to details, attractive cake look ordinary seems to be a common idea cake idea needs more thought pays little or no attention to planning in details 3
Doneness of cake cake tester came out clean cake tester came out with a few crumbs cake tester came out with streaks of batter and crumbs sticking on it cake tester came out wet with batter 4

Total Score: 15

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