
The Life and Works of Jane Austen


Extra credit can add up to 5% to the final grade providing all question asked were answered in a well thought out paragraph.


# 1 2 3 4 Score
Part One-Short Answers Left unanswered questions. Did not write in complete sentences. Answer's are mostly complete but not written in full sentences. Not all answers are correct. Answers are complete and written in full sentences but aren't all correct. Answer are correct, complete, and written in full sentences. 30%
Part Two- Paragraph's conviction The student did not support their argument. The student did not provide an argument. Student provided one or two examples to support their claim. Student's standpoint was not clear. Student provided support for most claims made but not all. Student's standpoint was clear. All points made by student were well supported and incorporate usage of the links provided. Student's standpoint was clear. 40%
Part Two- Sentence structure and grammar Multiple grammar and sentence structure mistakes including: spelling, run on sentences, incorrect comma usage, and misuse of words. Several mistakes were made dealing with grammar and sentence structure Some mistakes were made with grammar and sentence structure No sentence structure or grammar mistakes were made. 15%
Part Two- Organization Paragraphs were not organized and there was no flow between paragraphs. Paragraphs had slight organization and little to no flow between paragraphs. Paragraphs were organized but did not flow from paragraph to paragraph. Paragraphs were organized well and flowed from one paragraph to the other. 15%

Total Score: 100%

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