
Data Exploration: Forensic Investigation



You will be recommended for hire if you score 14 or higher on the provided rubric. You will conditionally be recommended for hire if your score is between 10 and 13. 


# 5 3 1 0 Score
Equation (steps 1-3) All work is correct, nicely organized. Work is correct but disorganized or has minor error Work has large error or is too difficult to follow Incomplete work
Solving the Equation (steps 4-6) All work is correct, nicely organized. Work is correct but disorganized or has minor error Work has large error or is too difficult to follow Incomplete work
Contextual Use of Equation (steps 7 and 8) All work is correct, nicely organized and supported with mathematics Work is correct but lacks support or is incorrect due to minor error Work is incorrect and unsupported with mathematics Incomplete work
Community Partnership Individual worked well with group and group worked collaboratively together; appropriate use of resources Individuals worked mostly alone with limited but appropriate interaction with group Individuals worked mostly alone with limited interaction with group and/or inappropriate use of resources No collaboration and/or abuse of resources

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