
Cupcake Frenzy!




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Math was computed correctly and properly displayed on Poster board. Major errors on both turned in assignment and on poster board. Some errors on both turned in assignment and poster board. No errors on turned in assignment, some on poster board. No errors on either turned in assignment nor poster board. %25
Each member of the group did thier share of the work. Parts of assignment were missing completely due to certain members of the group. Some of assignment was missing due to certain members of the group. Not much assignment missing. All of assignments were completed, by each individual. %25
Creativity was used with the overall presentation. No color or pictures on poster board. Some color and no pictures on poster board. Some color and some pictures on poster board. Lots of color and pictures on poster board. %25
Cupcakes were made and ingriedents were used properly. Cupcakes were not made, ingriedents wasted. Cupcakes were made, some ingriedents wasted. Cupcakes were made, most of ingriedents used. Cupcakes were wonderful, all of ingriedents used properly. %25

Total Score: %100

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