
World's Dark Continent



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
To understand why Africa is called as dark continent. The students will wonder about the world's dark continent. The students will read the information about it. They will know that it Africa is the answer and they will read the given information about it. The students will begin to analyze the given information and understand it. They will already know and will explain the answer on their own words. %20
To describe Africa as a whole by knowing its basic information. The students will browse the picture and start reading the information. By reading the given information the students will highlight the important details. The process part also has an attachment that will help fir more and simple way of understanding about the basic information on Africa. The students will remember the important details about Africa. %20
To be familiarize the different countries in Africa to accomplish the activity in the task. They will view the map of Africa with its different countries. They will start to familiarize the different countries for the preparation to do the activity. The students are ready to take the activity because they already familiar the different countries. They will accomplish the activity and enjoy answering it. %30
To appreciate the beauty of Africa even almost all the countries are considered as third world in terms of economic progress. At first their impression to Africa is the race of people and discrimination. While reading the information there will be change to their perception. After reading all the information they will start to respect and appreciate Africa because of its scenic spot and start comparing it to other continent. Before the discussion will wend they will create their different conclusions and views about the said dark continent. %30

Total Score: %100

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