









Power Point

Power Point contains: 1)Title slide that gives the topic, your name, and the date. 2)Allow the design and style to reflect the content. 3)Content that is relevant to topic. 4)Overall appearance that is appealing, follows visual literacy guidelines, and contains no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors

Power Point contains: 1)Title slide that gives the topic, your name 2)Some what allow the design and style to reflect the content. 3)Content that is relevant to topic in most instances. 4)Overall appearance that is appealing, and contains few spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors

Power Point contains: 1)Title slide that gives the topic 2)Minimum allow the design and style to reflect the content. 3)Content that is relevant to topic somewhat. 4)Overall appearance that is kind of appealing, somewhat follows visual literacy guidelines, and contains minimum spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors

Power Point contains: 1)Title slide that does not clearly gives the topic, your name, and the date. 2)Does not allow the design and style to reflect the content. 3)Content that is not relevant to topic. 4)Overall appearance that is not appealing, follows visual literacy guidelines, and contains no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors

40 Marks

Online Quiz

Receive a score of 91-100% 

Got between 80-9o%  correct on the quiz.

Received 69-80% correct on the quiz

Received a grade Between 0-68% 

30 Marks

Dimensions  of the throwing 

Contains all dimensions and

Contains most of the dimensions 
and markings.

Contains some of the  dimensions 
and markings.

dimensions were  unclear and was not done properly.

30 Marks


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