
Your Attention my admiration



Choose the correct response to the following expressions!

1.     A : How was my painting, Jhon?

B : …………………….

2.     A : Brad, I am going to Japan to join LanguageContest.

B :…………………

3.     A : How was the meal I cooked, Jack?

B :…………………

4.     A : Look at the scenery! Waow!

B :……………………..

5.     A : How was the Jatengfair last night?

B :…………….........

6.     A : Jane, look at the rainbow over there!

B :…………………….

7.     A : Bill, how was the Tsunami film last night.


8.     A : How was your vacation to Trans StudioBandung yesterday, Anne?

B :…………………

9.     A: Look at that waterfall, it’s  about 80 meters high.Waow!

B :……………………..

10.  A : Look at the old building over there?

B :……………………..

How beautiful the scenery is.                     How lucky you are.

How scary the man is.                                How awesome painting is.

What a generous man he is.    

How high it is.                                             How bright it is.

What a wonderful place it is.

What a generous man he is.                       What spectacular

Celebration it is.

What a salty meal it is.                                 What a scary Movie it is.

How ancient it is                                           How colorful it is.


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