
Life Cycle of a Butterfly



Evaluation Rubric

 Beginning 1Developing 2Very Good 3Exemplary 4Score

CooperationStudent did not participate and work with partner.Student did participate but did minimal work.Student participated and contributed to the final product.Student participated and actively contributed to the group and the final product.%25

ResearchStudent did not view videos, research their stage of the life cycle, or record information on recording pages.Student did view video, research their stage of the life cycle, and partially recorded infromation on recording pages with 3 or more errors.Student viewed video, researched their stage of the life cycle, and completed recording pages with 1-2 errorsStudent viewed videos, researched their stage of the life cycle, and documented information in appropriate areas with no errors.%25

CraftStudent did not help create the life cycle stage craft.Student did help create the life cycle stage craft, but participation was limited.Student helped create the life cycle stage craft, and participation was adequate.Student was an active participant in the creation of the life cycle stage craft.%25

PresentationStudent did not participate in the presentation, information was inaccurate.Student participated minimally in presentation, information was somewhat accurate.Student participated in presentation, information was accurate.Student was an active participant in the presentation and the information was accurate.%25


# Score

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