
South Carolina: The Palmetto State




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Name of State Symbol and origin. Did not state the name of the state symbol or its origin. Stated the name symbol, but not the origin. Stated the name of state symbol and origin. Had little components. Stated the state symbol and origin. Important details were included. %25
Group Work. Did not work well with group, never attending group meetings, did not do part in group work. Did little work with the group. Attended all meetings, but did not have all necessary components of work. Attended all meetings with group and had all necessary components of their part of the project. %25
Type of presentation. was not prepapred for presentation. Had little information and preparation for presentation to class. Presented to class, but did not have all necessary components of project. Had all necessary components and presented them with a well developed presentation. %25
Presentation to the district Did not take part on the class presentation. Did little work regrading the district presentation. Forgot some of the components for the big presentation. Did part corectly and was well prepared for the district presentation. %25

Total Score: %100

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