
Painting with "Sir Dot"




# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Discovering Sir Dot Discovering Sir Dot assignment is not completed correctly. Visited Ducksters. Discovering Sir Dot is partially correct. Visited Ducksters. Discovering Sir Dot is completed and correct. Visited Ducksters website. Discovering Sir Dot is completed, correct, and were able to explain in their own words why pointillism works. 25
Color Wheel Color wheel is colored. Color wheel is mostly correct. Can identify some primary and secondary colors. Color wheel is correct. Can identify primary and secondary colors. Color wheel is correct. Can identify primary and secondary colors. Mixes colors primary colors correctly to create secondary colors. 25
Under The Sea Sea Seascape painting Little use of colorful dots in their painting. Used the style of pointillism in parts of their painting achieving primary colors only Incorporated pointillism into their painting using primary colors to create secondary colors. Incorporated pointillism into their painting using primary colors to create secondary colors. Painting demonstrates an understanding of pointillism. Painting is successfully done primarily using pointillism as a technique. 50

Total Score: 100

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