
Deep Space Nutrition



Your success with your webquest will be assessed using the attached rubric


# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Participation One leader and other members were not involved in any of the process. Everyone involved and working to get information, but unequal contributions Very well-balanced participation by all members. Exceptional contribution and participation by all members. 10
Content and quality of information Minimal information presented.The content is lacking and will not be very useful Some information presented, but not all questions were answered.The content is adequate and might be useful Complete, accurate, and organized information was collected.The content is above average and generally relevent useful Complete, accurate, and organized information was collected and explained well.The content for the task is excellent and useful 20
Visuals Weak visuals, not much effort into creating a visual to contribute to the presentation. Adequate visuals, but not related to presentation material. Interesting, original, factual visuals that help convey message to the audience. Interesting, original, factual visuals that convey message to the audience with a high degree of impact 10
Presentation The presentation was not engaging and/or did not adequately explain your choices.Only on person presented. The presentation was somewhat engaging or only explained some things about your food choices. All members contributed but not equally The presentation was mostly engaging and/or explained most of what your food choices were about. All members contributed The presentation was highly engaging and explained accurately and concisely your food choices.All members contributed in an excellent fashion. 10

Total Score: 50

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