
A Predator or Scavenger? A Life of the T-Rex



This webquest in going to be evaluated in 4 particular ways. This includes answering the questions in full sentences in your own words, also I request that the answer will clearly show what you wanted to say and show evidence for. You will be evaluated by how well you formuled your answer and how well you used the given material from the web pages. 


# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Independent research on the computer Can access links to find out information. Can access links and browse through the pages from those links Can access all the links and find out relevant information relating to the task. Can access all the links and scan the information to requested key points. 10
Ability to form a good evidence Can for some parts of the evidence. Evidence is formed well but not fully explained. Evidence is a main part of the answer but still misses few key points. Answer is very well formed and shows every evidence the student found in the matter. 10
Written form The student is on a good way of forming a clear answer but still the main parts are missing. A part of the answer id clear but still not finished. Answer is written very well but it's missing a main point. Answer is clear and pointing out the main evidence for the student's statement. 20
Understanding of the task. The student didn't fully understand the meaning of the task. The student partly understood the task. The student understood the task but missed the meain point. The student understood the task fully and pointed out every meain point. 20

Total Score: 60

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