
Biome WebQuest



Students will individually write a 3-5 page paper on their biome regarding their assigned role. Each student will need to include at least three sources in their paper. Paper should be double spaced and in Times New Roman, APA or MLA is acceptable formatting. 


# Below Average (1pt) Average (2pt) Above Average (3pt) Exemplary (4pt) Score
Content: Weather Plants Animals Geography information lacking or inaccurate includes accurate information, though lacking in volume or depth includes accurate and relevant information goes above and beyond with accurate and relevant information
Creativity flyer is not interesting, minimal effort involved flyer has some interesting features that may appeal to the audience flyer has images and facts that are interesting to the reader, appeal to audience flyer goes above and beyond and has images and facts that are interesting to the reader, appeal to audience
Format major errors in layout, grammar, such that flyer is nearly unreadable some spelling or grammar errors flyer has no spelling or grammar errors, layout is organized, easy to read goes above and beyond and has no spelling or grammar errors, layout is organized, easy to read

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