
Studying at School is Cool



Total points: 16

While working consult the Evaluation Rubric.


# Excellent (4 points) Good (3 points) Fair (2 points) Poor (1 point) Score
Concept Group has a clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do and generally how his/her work will contribute to the final product. Group has a fairly clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do overall, but has trouble describing how his/her work will contribute to the final product. Group has brainstormed their concept, but no clear focus has emerged for the team. Team members may describe the goals/final product differently. Group has spent little effort on brainstorming and refining a concept. Team members are unclear on the goals and how their contriubtions will help them reach the goal. 4
Groupwork Students meet and discuss regularly. All students contribute to the discussion and all are listened to respectfully. All group members contribute a fair share of the work. Students meet and discuss regularly. Most students contribute to the discussion and are listened to respectfully. All group members contribute a fair share of the work. A couple of group meetings are held. Most students contribute to the discussion and are listened to respectfully. All group members contribute a fair share of the work. Meetings are not held AND/OR some group members do not contribute a fair share of the work. 4
Delivery of captions All 3 pupils in the group take turns to deliver the comments. They use a clear voice and correct pronunciation of words. Their speech is fluent with no pauses (100-90% of the time). All 3 pupils in the group take turns to deliver the comments. They use a clear voice and correct themselves in case of mistakes. Their speech is fluent with no pauses (89-80% of the time). 2 pupils in the group take turns to deliver the comments. They mispronounce the words. Their speech is not fluent, with pauses (79-60% of the time). 1 or 2 pupils in the group take turns to deliver the comments. They mispronounce the key words, mumble. Their speech is slow with long pauses. 4
Errors There are no misspellings, there is 1-2 vocabulary/grammatical mistakes. There are no misspellings, there are 3-4 vocabulary/grammatical mistakes. There are 2-4 spellings, there are 5-6 vocabulary/grammatical mistakes. There are more than 4 spellings errors, there are 7-8 vocabulary/grammatical mistakes. 4

Total Score: 16

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