
Exploring the three states of matter



Web quest rubric

States of matter

                                        Students Name:______________










Identify the three states of matter 


Identify all 3 states of matter. 

Identify all 2 states of matter.

Identify 1 state of matter.

List four examples of each 

Lists for examples of all three states of matter.

Lists at least three examples of each state of matter. 

Lists at least two examples of each state of matter. 

1 example of each state of matter. 

Distinguishes the difference 

Clearly recognizes the characteristics of each state of matter (Shape, volume and movement of molecules) and is able to distinguish the difference between each one. 

Recognizes the at three of the three characteristics of each state of matter and can distinguish the differences between each one. 

Recognizes the at two of the three characteristics of each state of matter and can distinguish the differences between each one. 

Recognizes at least one characteristic of each state of matter and can distinguish the differences between at least two states of matter.

Description of states


Three states of matter are clearly describe

Two states of matter are clearly describe

One states of matter is clearly describe








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