
The Time Agents Guide to Ancient Egypt


You have put your Guide together.

As you think about your final product, check your work for the following points:
  1. Appearance: does it LOOK good?
  2. Detail: does it INFORM the Time Agent?
  3. Form: does it look and sound like an Agent's Handbook?
  4. Function: does it include all the information your Agency wanted?
  5. Purpose: Would it convince your Time Agent to take the trip, feel confident, informed and equipped?
Yes? Hooray! Good luck. 
No? Look for what can you improve before you submit your task.

Check the assessment rubric to see what is being looked for.

Now complete your self-evaluation sheet (see the attachment). Hand this in with your work.

Well done! You have completed your webquest. Print out your handbook and hand it in. Don't forget to include your hand-drawn sections! Scan them or hand them in. 

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