
ELT II - Whole Language



       Teacher roles 

The teacher is seen as a facilitator and an active participant in the learning community rather than an expert passing on knowledge. The teacher teaches the students and looks for the occurrence of teachable moments rather than following a preplanned lesson plan or script. The teacher creates a climate that will support collaborative learning. The teacher negotiates with learners for the plan of work. 

       Learner roles

The learner is a collaborator, evaluator, self-directed, selectors of learning materials and activities becouse "without the ability to select activities, materials and conversational partners, the students cannot use language for their own purpose". 


The Whole language requires the use of real-world materials rather than commercial texts. Real-world material are brought to class by the students in the form of newspapers, signs, handbills, storybooks and printed materials. Students also produce their own materials. 

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