



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Originality and design The chosen animals are well-known; the whole presentation is not very expressive, seems to be a little boring. The chosen animals are unusual and sufficiently described, but the form of PPT presentation is very common. The animals and the information about them are well chosen and presented; the design of the presentation attracts attention. The animals chosen are interesting, unusual and well presented; rich information about them added, the presentation is eye-catching. %25
Informativeness The information about the chosen animals - place of living, characteristics, pictures - is poor. The basic information about the animals is insufficient. The information about the animals is included and is sufficient. The pictures are not very exemplary and the whole presentation looks very simple, with no impressive features. All the information is included and well chosen. The pictures illustrate the subject, the presentation is interesting. All the information is clear, interesting and attracts attention, not just basic information but a lot of extra information included, presented in a very interesting way. The pictures are exemplary, expressing the reality. %25
Grammar The author of the presentation seems not to have paid much attention to the grammar. There are a lot of spelling and vocabulary mistakes. There are spelling mistakes, but we can see that the author tried to avoid them. The use of vocabulary is correct. There are almost no mistakes. Nevertheless, some sentences or expressions can sound strange. All the texts are created very professionally, there are only minor spelling mistakes. %25
Vocabulary The vocabulary is very simple, no new words, express just basic information. There are some new words learnt by previous tasks - for example from the quiz, we can see the author trying to get a little higher level. The used vocabulary is rich, full of well-known expressions, and some new one included as well. The author tries to use as many new words as possible, we can see the progress in his vocabulary. %25

Total Score: %100

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