
Let's learn Hebrew Webquest- הבה נלמד עברית עם יהודה קפלן



 Solutions to Stimulus Response

Question 1.  Productivity is the level of output per unit of input. It is a direct measure of efficiency. High productivity levels mean that the organisation is getting larger levels of output per level of input.

Question 2. Refers to a practice where a company employs the services of another organisation to perform a specific task in which the second organisation specialises, thus cutting costs, improving quality and allowing the company to focus on core business activities.

Question 3. A stakeholder is anyone who has a vested interest in the organisation.

Question 4.                 Mars Program Stakeholders

*US Tax payers- they fund the program sothey may either gain or lose from its success of failure and the benefits it provides, if there are no benefits tax payers have forgone the opportunity cost of investing in health, promoting jobs etc.

* US Scientists and science- lack of funding for the program may stifle scientific research and may discourage students from taking up science related careers.

*The US economy- the success or failure of the program economically and scientifically may either promote or deflate economic growth.

* Scientists and Science globally- may have a similar effect as for science in the US or promote these countries who are trying to advance their scientific achievements by emphasising space exploration research and development.

*NASA administration- may have an interesting using the funds allocated to the Mars program to other projects.

*NASA suppliers- Companies rely heavily on their suppliers and it’s vital for NASA to receive their supplies in a timelymanner. Maintaining good relations with suppliers also help reduce lead times and delays, preventing raw materials sitting idle taking up precious storage, increasing cost and waste. This will also facilitate the adoption of a system 

as close as possible to Just in Time as one of the important strategies ensuring an organisation’s success.

* NASA Mars program employees- Employees are stakeholders that are vital and important to the organisational success. If NASA wishes to increase ‘growth’ and ‘profitability’, then it must ensure it treats its employees as valuable members of the organisation by training them and ensuring their welfare is respected. If NASA does this, employees will be more inclined to put extra effort into their daily tasks and will be motivated to meet the company's strategies. Employees are crucial if the organisation wishes to achieve its objectives. Should the budget be cut they may be out of a job or relocated to another area of the organisation they prefer not be work in so they need to be involved in the decision process.

*The Australian Economy- The Australian economy is said to benefit from investment in the program so its closure or a reduction in its scope may have detrimental effects on the Australian economy, its international standing and of course scientific development.

*Global economy- With the US being adominant global economy its state effects global economy through its ability toimport goods and materials. Should new life be discovered in remote planets these may become trading partners for earth based businesses therefore promoting the economy.

*Global population- Should advanced hostile alien populations be discovered in the outer space, and these become aware of our existence visa vi the program, this may have dire consequences for continued existence.

 Question5. A mission statement states what the corporate image of the organisation is, it's reasons for existence and the overall goals and objectives it wishes to accomplish.  NASA’s mission statement declares that they would like To reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do and learn will benefit all human kind. NASA(2010)

A strategic plan details the long term plans and strategies set by management to achieve the goals highlighted in the mission statement.

Question 6.  NASA’s aim to reduce materials waste by 5% per year promotes the company’s image as a responsible manufacturer which cares for the environment. By committing itself to lowering waste, it is showing the community that it too is involved in conservation initiatives and cares for the greater well being of the world around it. It is an active step towards making a meaningful contribution, which will earn it respect from an environmentally aware and conscious society, earning itself a better reputation and avoiding issues involving environmental damage as a result of its practices.

Question 7.  A cost centre structure is where the organisation is divided into various cost centres which are each individually responsible for their own budget and efficiency. This structure is a divisional approach and will assist NASA to achieve its strategic goals of increasing its planetary science budget by 25%. This shows a more global approach to conducting business, allowing individual divisional cost centres to report back to the CEO and Board of Directors.

Question 8.  Mr. Green should use his communication skills to implement the company’s strategic plan. Communication is the transfer of information between two or more people and it has two main functions:

1. To transmit information and, 2. To maintain social relationships, Mr Green will need to communicate to staff exactly what changes have been made to the organisation, how these will affect them and the reasons for the changes. He will need to explain what will change in each individual working role to achieve the strategic plan such as increase production by 8%. By demonstrating excellent communication skills, Mr. Greenwill facilitate staff acceptance and understanding of the strategic plan, which is necessary. This will reduce resistance to the changes.

Mr Green should also make use of time management skills. Time is the scarcest resource and time management directly affects efficiency. In the strategic plan Mr. Green has outlined various goals he would like to be achieve in the next five years. He needs to set short term goals to ensure that the goals are achieved by this deadline. He needs to prioritise and ensure that his set goals are achieved in the five year time frame.


NASA (2010). The National Aeronautics and Space Act, Retrieved August 29 from:



# A B C D Score
Knowledge and understanding The student can demonstrate the following characteristics: • Comprehensive range of factual information. -The role of business -Business goals -Business functions - Conduct of Business activities -Legal forms of Business -Stakeholders and their interests • Thorough explanation of functions and processes of organisations and management, supported by relevant examples. -Business decisions and behaviour -Ethical considerations - Productivity The student can demonstrate the following characteristics: • Substantial range of factual information. - The role of business -Business goals -Business functions - Conduct of Business activities -Legal forms of Business -Stakeholders and their interests • Significant explanation of functions and processes of organisations and management, supported by relevant examples. -Business decisions and behaviour -Ethical considerations - Productivity The student can demonstrate the following characteristics: • Some factual information. - The role of business -Business goals -Business functions - Conduct of Business activities -Legal forms of Business -Stakeholders and their interests • General explanation of functions and processes of organisations and management, supported by relevant examples. -Business decisions and behaviour -Ethical considerations - Productivity The student can demonstrate the following characteristics: • Some business information - The role of business -Business goals -Business functions - Conduct of Business activities -Legal forms of Business -Stakeholders and their interests • Some explanation of business activities. -Business decisions and behaviour -Ethical considerations - Productivity
Reflection processes The student’s work demonstrates the following characteristics: • use of reflection processes to conduct thorough evaluation of interactions within a variety of business situations and to develop highly appropriate strategies for action -Problem solving - Decision making -Business decisions and behaviour -Strategic planning • Use of the conventions of communication to produce fluent and precise responses. The student’s work demonstrates the following characteristics: • use of reflection processes to evaluate interactions within a variety of business situations and to develop appropriate strategies for action -Problem solving - Decision making -Business decisions and behaviour -Strategic planning • use of the conventions of communication to produce logical and coherent responses. The student’s work demonstrates the following characteristics: • use of reflection processes to conduct some evaluation of interactions within business situations and to develop strategies for action -Problem solving - Decision making -Business decisions and behaviour -Strategic planning • use of the conventions of communication to produce clear responses. The student’s work demonstrates the following characteristics: • some use of reflection processes to examine interactions within business situations and to develop some strategies for action -Problem solving - Decision making -Business decisions and behaviour -Strategic planning • use of some conventions of communication to produce basic responses.

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