



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Compose a visual image of their living environment. The drawing lacks almost all detail or it is unclear what the drawing is intended to be. The student needs to work on control. The drawing has few details. It is primarily representational with very little use of color and detail. Student needs to improve control. Drawing is expressive and somewhat detailed. Little use has been made in color and detail. Student has basics, but has not branched out with details. Drawing is expressive and detailed. People, vegetation, and house are used to add interest to the drawing. Student has great control. %25
Student will pick a recipe and explain what it is important or special. No attempt has been made to the explanation of the recipe to the assigned topic. Some of the explanation of the recipe is related to the assigned topic, but the reader does not learn much about the topic. Most of the explanation of the recipe is related to the assigned topic. The explanation of recipe is related to the assigned topic and allows the reader to understand much more about the topic. %25
Family picture and family description. No attempt has been made. Brings in picture of family, but details are limited in description. Brings in picture of family and includes some family members in story. Brings in picture of family and writes a story that includes all members of the family. %25
Explanation of traditions (birthdays, holiday, special tradition) No attempt has been made. Includes description of only one or two tradtions. Few details or opinions are included. Includes description of each tradtion, but very few details. Includes detailed description and opinion of each tradition. %25

Total Score: %100

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