
"I Love the Nightlife"



Each student will be graded on how well they listened during the story. They will also be graded on what they told the class about what they heard, saw and felt.  Each student will be asked to describe their favorite animal and explain why. Below is a rubric in which each student will be graded by and have their parents sign and bring back the following day to class.

                                                      Presentation Rubric

Listening and comprehending                        25points                                 __________

Describing what you heard                             15points                                 __________

 Describing what you felt                                15points                                 __________

Describing what you saw                                15points                                 ___________

Describe favorite animal                                 30points                                 ___________

Total                                                             100points                               ___________

 Parents Signature        __________________________________________________________

by Text-Enhance" href="#" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MTk3NDE6MTEyNTp0ZWFjaGVyOjdmZDAzNmRiN2Y4MjI3NTUyNWU4YTZhNWJlNTg5YWMzOnotMTA0Mi0xNjYwNDp6dW5hbC5jb206MTMwNzQ6aW1hZ2Vfb25seQ">Teacher Comments     __________________________________________________________

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