
Earth's Hydrosphere:The Titan Mission




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Exemplary 3 Score
Self Direction Work not completed; required constant reminders to stay on task. Most work completed but some tasks remain unfinished;required very little reminders and redirection. All work completed and handed in; worked independently without reminders or redirection.
Collaborative Worker Contributed and shared very little to group effort. Contributed and shared ideas with group. Listened to other group members ideas and solutions. Contributed and shared ideas with groups. Listened to other group member ideas and solutions. Acknowledged others. .
Respectful Citizen Critical of the project or work of others members of the group. Has positive attitude about task and project. Always has a positive attitude about task and supportive of other members of the group.
Quality Producer Work shows little effort and does not reflect required tasks. Work shows effort and tasks are complete Work is of highest quality and all tasks are complete

Total Score: /12

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