
The Mathematics of Finance



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Individual exercise: Worksheet 1 Demonstrates serious errors; shows major misunderstanding Many (5 or more) mistakes in computations Makes some errors; shows incomplete understanding or misconceptions Some (3 or 4) mistakes in computations Demonstrates competent performance or general understanding Few (1 or 2) mistakes in computations Demonstrates exemplary performance or thorough understanding No mistakes in computations %25
Individual exercise: Explaination of Worksheet #1 Demonstrates serious errors; shows major misunderstanding Makes some errors; shows incomplete understanding or misconceptions Demonstrates competent performance or general understanding Demonstrates exemplary performance or thorough understanding %25
Group exercise: Completed Worksheet #2 Demonstrates serious errors; shows major misunderstanding Many (5 or more) mistakes in computations Makes some errors; shows incomplete understanding or misconceptions Some (3 or 4) mistakes in computations Demonstrates competent performance or general understanding Few (1 or 2) mistakes in computations Demonstrates exemplary performance or thorough understanding No mistakes in computations %25
Group exercise: Explaination of Worksheet #2 Demonstrates serious errors; shows major misunderstanding Makes some errors; shows incomplete understanding or misconceptions Demonstrates competent performance or general understanding Demonstrates exemplary performance or thorough understanding %25

Total Score: %100

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