
Calculate Your Way to Another Country!








Calculations and Worksheets


Had over ten errors and was unable to fix mistakes when asked to try again, did not hand in two or more worksheets or they were not completed

Had between five and ten errors and could only fix one-two mistakes when asked to try again, one worksheet was missing or not completed

Had between five and then errors but fixed more than two when asked to try again. All worksheets were handed in and completed

Had fewer than five errors and could correct more than two when  asked to try again. Worksheets were handed in and completed

Had fewer than five errors and could correct them all when asked to try again. Worksheets were handed in and completed

Individual Process


Was not on task, visited websites that were irrelevant to the topic, did not follow directions

Did not stay on task at least half the time, visited websites that were irrelevant to the topic, followed less than 50% of the directions

Stayed on task some of the time, visited websites that were irrelevant to the topic, followed less than 75% of the directions

Stayed on task the majority of the time, visited websites relevant to the topic, followed most directions

Stayed on task, visited websites relevant to the topic, followed all directions.

Presentation Process


Did not work well with partner, was never on task, did little to no work.

Did not work well with partner, was often off task, did less than half the work.

Worked well with partner at times. Was able to plan presentation but got off-task several times and did not respond to a reminder, did almost half the work

Worked well with partner, planned each piece of the presentation but got off-task several times, did almost half the work

Worked well with partner, was able to plan each piece of the presentation in a timely fashion, stayed on task, did at least half of the work.

Presentation Final Product


More than three required elements were not included. One partner barely presented any material.

More than three required elements were not included. One partner presented significantly less than the other.

More than two required elements were not included. One partner presented less than the other.

One-two required elements were not included. Partners shared the presentation almost equally.

All of the elements were included and presented to the class. Partners shared the presentation equally.




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