
Simple Machine-Tree House




# Beginning Developing Very Good Exemplary Score
Group Cooperation Appropriate Good Works well with others Very Good Helps others, shares, listens well Excellent Encourages and redirects others back to task 25%
Integrating Knowledge of Simple Machines to Build Model Tree house Construction Uses information and skills in only one subject area Uses information and skills in several subject areas Consistently integrates information and skills Mastery of information and skills, added more detail. 25%
Guiding Questions Worksheet 1 to 3 questions answered correctly 4-5 questions answered correctly 6-9 questions answered correctly All ten questions are answered correctly 25%
Simple Machines PowerPoint Presentation Inaccurate, lack of pictures Appropriate, meets all requirements with few grammatical errors Well done, includes 7 slides correct spelling Added more details, consistent and neat 25%

Total Score: 100%

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