
After A Christmas Carol



Now that you all have finished all of your individual tasks, you must now complete a group project to finish your goal. You must make Scrooge a Christmas Carol Treasure Chest and send it to him as a Christmas Present. Follow these steps to complete the treasure chest:

1. Bind all four ghost pictures together in a picture book. Scrooge will then be able to look at the book at any time in order to remember his four new friends. The photo album should have a cover and a table of contents.

2. Bind all four of the your journals together as a keepsake for Scrooge to be able to remember his journey with each of you. Again, make sure there is a cover page on the journal.

3. Each ghost should put their letter inside of an envelope and address it to Scrooge.

4. All of the above projects are then to be put into a box, sealed up and addressed to this address:

Ebeneezer Scrooge
12 Miser Lane
London, England
W11 2BQ 

The Box should then be decorated, as it is a Christmas Present and given to Mrs. Lane, so she can mail it off to Mr. Scrooge.

Your final box will be graded according to the rubric that is found below.

    Collection or Display : A Christmas Carol WebQuest

Picture Book
All four ghost pictures are present. Pictures depict characterization and are neatly drawn to the best of the students ability.
Three ghost pictures are present. Pictures depict some characteriztion and are neatly drawn to the best of the students ability.
Two of the ghost pictures are present. Pictures depict little characterization and are not neatly drawn.
One or no ghost pictures are present. Pictures depict no characterization and are not neatly drawn.
Journal Entries
All four ghosts' journals are included. The journals include all answers to all of the questions provided and elaborate on the time each ghost spent with Scrooge.
Three of the ghosts' journals are present. Journals include answers to most of the questions asked and elaborate of the time each ghost spent with Scrooge.
Two of the ghosts' journals are present. Some of the questions asked are answered and the time each ghost spent with Scrooge is briefly discussed
One or no Journals are included. None of the questions are answered and the time that each ghost spent with Scrooge is not discussed.
Friendly Letter
All four friendly letters are included. The friendly letter format is followed with no spelling and grammatical errors. The prompt for the letter is addressed.
Three friendly letters are present. The friendly letter format is followed and there are few spelling and grammatical errors. The prompt for the letter is addressed.
Two friendly letters are present. The friendly letter format is not followed completely and there are many spelling and grammatical errors. The prompt is covered, but not effectively.
One or no letters are present. The Friendly letter format was not followed and there are many spelling and grammatical errors. The prompt was not addressed at all.
Final Package
All parts are included in the package. The package is properly addressed and is decorated.
Missing one part of the assignment. The package is properly addressed and decorated.
Missing two or more parts. The package is not addressed properly and is not decorated.
The package has not been turned in, and no attempt has been made.
Individual Contribution
All three of your individual parts are included. Actively participated in decorating and preparing the box.
One of your parts are missing. Actively participated in decorating and preparing the box.
Two of your parts are missing. Did not particpate in decorating and preparing the box.
None of your parts are present. Did not participate in decorating or preparing the box.

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