
The mystery of the Crystal Skulls




# Poor Average Good Very Good Score
Individual work on articles You used your time poorly. You were not able to complete all parts of your individual task. You showed effort in completing your task well, but often got it wrong. You had difficulty staying focused on your individual role. You got right to work. You stayed on task and worked carefully. You may have a had a little difficulty managing your time. You used your time very wisely. You completed all of your individual task. ...out of 20
Contributionto group work and collaborative goals You contributed nothing to the group work. You had no opinion in the group decision concerning the lay-out of the magazine. You did not actively participate in the main presentation. You shared your findings from your research, but offered no opinion on the group task of deciding the layout of the magazine. You participated very little in the presentation. You offered your opinion to the group's collaborative decision on the layout of the magazine. You participated in the presentation. You used creativity to support your opinion in the group decision as it related to the layout of the magazine. You actively participated in the presentation. ...out of 35
Presentation magazine Your magazine presentation did not reflect the information given on the websites. Your information was incorrect. Your information was correct, but you did not finish all the task in your role. Your magazine article was accurate and followed the specific guidelines for your role. Your magazine article was very good, informative, and enjoyable to read. All of your group members carefully followed the guidelines for your role. ...out of 25
Creativity, neatness and originality You did not create a magazine presentation. A lot of English errors in writing. No creativity . You showed effort in making a presentation, but often got it wrong. You had difficulty with use of the English language, but the errors made where not disturbing Your magazine presentation related to the subject in all aspects. English language was well used with hardly any errors. Your magazine presentation was clearly you used all the information given for your subject. You were very creative in your design. Hardly any English errors. ... out of 30

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