
EDUC650 Assignment (Six Elements for Technology in the Classroom)



What I would like you to do at this point in the lesson s to look back on everything that you learned from it. Look at the resources that you used, along with the information provide, and determine if you truly learned something or not. If you did, that’s great and I hope the journey brought knowledge and joy to you. If not, I hope that you will let me know and I will do everything I can to change and adapt it so that more learning can take place in the future.

I hope that you have better understanding of the technologies that can be utilized in the classroom and some of the limitations that have come to affect it. Now is the time to look ahead and see what can be done for the future of learning with technologies. Maybe you found new technologies 3while conducting research for this lesson. Use them and learn from them. Or maybe you want to pass the knowledge on, not only to other students but teachers that are not using technologies or not how they should be used. We can all learn from this journey and I hope that your learning does not stop here.

Thank you for taking part in this Webquest and best of luck in your learning future.

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