
Bill of Rights in the 21st Century



While you go through your everyday life by playing video games and listening to music, reflect on how important all of the Bill of Rights are to you. Without them, you may be told what to listen to, or may not be able to play the games that you want, because the government decided not to allow them for anyone. Those decisions, until you are old enough are for your parents. Once you are old enough those decisions are your individual choices and not the choice of the government. While the Bill of Rights are some of the most important amendments, the other amendments are just as important such as; banning slavery, women's right to vote, succession of the Presidency and more. 

Our Constitution is a document that some say lives and breathes. The idea that it can be amended is one of its most important features. The process by which to amend it is complex. It was designed that way so that amendments would not be enacted in haste, such as the Prohibition amendment (18th) in 1919, which was repealed in 1933 with the 21st Amendment. This has been the only amendment to have been repealed.

From your research on the Bill of Rights, you can see that America's system of government is not perfect, and is designed for everyone. It is a system for the many, and not the few or the one. The principle's set forth in our founding in 1776 are still with us today and it is those uniquely American values that make the United States a successful experiment for over 230 years. In the words of Linda Monk, "These are The Words We Live By" and value each and everyday.

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