
"The Outsiders": A WebQuest Built Upon Diversity and Its Impact



"The Outsiders" was first published almost fifty years ago, and yet its main points and morals are still as relevant as ever.  As for the basic literary elements of the novel, the syntax and diction is easily accessible for most middle school readers.  There is not much to struggle with, which leaves room for students to comprehend and soak in what they are reading, rather than focusing only on literacy.  Given the age group that would be reading "The Outsiders"--a group that would be transitioning in many ways within themselves, their peer groups, and society--the plot of the novel can be deftly transferred to their own lives, even in 2014.  For teachers, there is a great emphasis put on helping students to grow not only in their basic education, but also simply as a human being.  Fully grasping "The Outsiders" provides for a substantial push in that right direction.

If I have met my goals as your educator, following the close of our unit over "The Outsiders", you are now able to not only understand the novel, but incorporate its ideas into your own life.  Perhaps you know a group of people that you could equate to the Socs or Greasers?  Perhaps you have a Ponyboy or Sodapop in your midst?  Or, even more, maybe you can relate DIRECTLY to a particular character?

If you take nothing else from this lesson, hopefully you will at least be able to relate to this mindset: "When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature.  If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again my reading, just as I did when I was young." -Maya Angelou
Literature is about so much more than just words on a page; they are thousands upon thousands of worlds to submerge yourself in.  You can learn from each and every character, and you can grow, which is the whole point of education.

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