
What was Life Like for a Pioneer



Congratulations!  Due to your smart decision making and great preparation for your trip, you and your family have successful traveled west and set up a home.  Now that your home is built, it's time to begin your new life.  Visit the following links to find out what life was like after the journey.



  • Life.  Click on the Life link on the left side of the page.  Read the opening paragraph, and then click on the following links (Candlemaking, Food, Games and Toys, Medicine, Quilting Bee, Soapmaking, and Tanning Skins).


  • Town Life.  Click on the Town link on the left side of the page.  Read the opening paragraph, and then click on the following links (Blacksmith Shop, Church, General Store, Log Cabin, Saw Mill, and School).

Think about how different a pioneer's life was from yours.  Talk with your parents about how things have changed over the years even during their lifetime.

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