



Oh well! All good things must come to an end. I hope this learning experience was as much fun for you as it was for me.  It was a pleasure having you

 all attending this lesson about chess. Chess is a checkered board game of 64 squares played by two players with sixteen men or pieces each. 

We've explored the history of the game of chess and famous chess players like Bobby Fisher and Wilheim Steinitz and many more. We also

 explored the rules of the game, how much each piece is worth and how they move across the board and capture one another?

We learned what the word en passant, castle, checkmate, fork, combination  and many other terms mean.  The more you practice and practice,

the sharper your sense for the game will be and your rating will get higher and higher as you defeat more opponents.  Because  chess enhances your

ability to concentrate and stay focus on task, one of the benefit you will notice is that your math skills will improve as well as your self esteem and

social acceptance among your peers. I also hope you enjoy my presentation which I put so much work into and the five short quiz  to test your basic

knowledge about the game. My expectation for all of you is that you continue to practice and get better and better and hopefully become a grand master.

There are several game site you can join to further improve your skills.


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