



Are your bags packed?  Well, while it's important to pack the right clothes and gear, we've certainly learned that's not all the preparing we need to do to be able to travel overseas.

We've learned about choosing what to do, and compromising to accommodate the most amount of people.

We've learned about budgeting our travel funds, and how to get the most out of our trip on a limited amount.

We've learned about making travel plans, allowing for flexibility and detour, and been introduced to some travel websites.

We've also practiced our mapreading skills and noted how important it is to have the right map for the journey.

There's just one piece left, and that brings us back to our essential question:

How can we make wise decisions, even when we are young?

We have a great plan, but how will we ever reach that goal?

We have five years between now and graduation.  What things are we going to prioritize between now and then to be able to make this senior trip a reality?

This is where you go from here:  develop a five-year plan that allows you to save enough money that you are ready to pay for the trip when your senior year gets here!

Discipline yourself to save diligently so that you can reach that goal.

And keep searching for the ideal travel log that will allow you to see the most interesting and important elements of the locations to which you travel.

Here are some resources for further searching:





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