
El Cuerpo/ The Body



Congratulations on completing the WebQuest! As a follow-up to the work you did with your elementary school partner, you will be asked to complete a reflection paper on the experience and what you have learned.

Spanish Reflection:

Please write a 1-page reflection in Spanish on your experience working with ELL students. Please use complete sentences and pay attention to verb conjugation. You may use the following questions as prompts:

  • What did I learn from my ELL partner?
  • What did I enjoy from the experience?
  • Would I like to do another project similar to this?

Science Assignment:

Write a description of 5 of the body parts you identified with your partner. Make sure to explain the primary function of each of these body parts and list the bones that make up their struture.

Legs are used primarily for locomotion. The leg is made up of the femur, tibia, and fibula.

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