
Poetry ( Rhythm)



Hey Students,  I hope you are ready this is what you been waiting for. It's time for us to get into the frame of mind for some edutainment. In this section, I will explain how you should carry out your task and even though this WebQuest should be an individual task, there is an aspect of the lesson that will emphasize collaborative work. Your task will be in three phases. Please ensure that you read the instructions carefully in order to accomplish the tasks effectively.

Phase One

In your pre-assigned groups, you will be asked to use your smartphones and laptops to familiarize your selves with some of the terms related to the poem. After each group has found the terms and jot them in their notebooks the class will share their responses with each other. 

Group 1- Songwriters

Rumba and Band 

Group 2- Musicians

Banned and Orchestrate 

Group 3-  Technical Directors


You  will then listen to a model reading of the poem while jotting down the following:

Click on the link below to listen to the reading of the poem.

1. What image or picture does the title bring to your mind? (It suggests an announcement for a performance and a continuation of something.)
2. Who do you think the persona is? (maybe an adult male or female since he or she is annoyed at a popular music form)
3. Where is the persona? (maybe at home or in a public space since there is a reference to the rumba being played on any size radio)
4. What is happening in the poem? (The persona is expressing annoyance at the popularity of the rumba, even while giving a catchy rendition of it.)
5. Do you like the poem? Why/why not?

Phase 2

In this phase please click on the file below to complete this task. You will engage in a choral reading of the poem while a member of each group plays a musical instrument. These instruments include the following: a Congo drum, a pair of shakers and a tambourine. You should record the choral reading along with the playing of the instruments. You will then formulate and ask questions of one member of the class who pretends to be the poet.  This activity is called "Hot Seating".The questions and answers will be geared at identifying the poetic devices which contribute to the rhythm of the poem. Some possible questions  are as follows:

1. Mr. Boothroyd, what did you have in mind with the many short lines in the poem?

2. Was there any particular reason for the frequent use of “m”, “b”, “sh” and “k” sounds”? 

3. Were you trying to confuse readers with your use of the words “banned” and “orchestrated”?

You will now express your attitude towards your rights and responsibilities with regards to musical expression and entertainment. You will then compare your attitude with that of the persona, referring to the relevant lines in the poem.

Phase 3

In the final phase will listen to the recording of their choral rendition of the poem. Click on the link below to upload your recording You will then reflect on what poetic elements contribute to the rhythm. Each group will suggest at least one element and explain how it contributes to the rhythm. You may use the words from the vocabulary list to describe the rhythm of the poem and explain what poetic elements contribute to it. This will be done in the form of a paragraph from each group. Click on the file attachment to see the vocabulary list.

 At the end of the lesson, Individually you will compile a portfolio highlighting the different poetic devices used in the poem to enhance the rhythm such as rhyme, pun, alliteration, onomatopoeia, lineation, and repetition. Be sure to explain the effectiveness of each using relevant examples from the poem. Try and be creative as best as possible so the uniqueness of your portfolio defines you as an individual. You may use graphics to add to the creativity level.


Web Link

Web Link
  • Podomatic
    Description: upload your audio recording here

  • "And Now" by J.B Boothroyd
    Description: This is a sample of the poem. Please note that you should not open this file until you have completed phase one of the task.

  • Vocabulary List
    Description: Use the words from this list to help you describe the rhythm of the poem

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