
Pre-reading Activity: Night and the Holocaust



Each student must complete TASK 1 and 2


 Fill out a "KWL" sheet

This process will help you:

  • Figure out where you stand with your knowledge about the Holocaust
  • Help you recognize what you want to look for during this webquest
  • Give you an opportunity to look back on what you learned after completing the webquest
  • This is the last page of your powerpoint presentation.


What I Know about the Holocaust

What I Want to know about the Holocaust

What I Learned at the end of this unit




Survivor Stories

Get excited! You willnow be able to read and/or listen to the stories of a few holocaust survivors.This step in the process is here to give you the freedom to learn about 2 survivor's stories.

Step 1: Go to the website



 Step 2: Pick two people you would like to hear about.

Step 3: Write 2-3 paragraphs about each survivor and what you learned and/or how it fits into your pre-knowledge from the KWL worksheet. Do this for each survivor you looked at for this activity.

You are almost there...

Now that you have learned about the Holocaust through real survivor stories you will be in charge of writing a letter to our author. Your letter should respond to, or inquire about, the following quote from the introduction to our memoir Night. 

 Elie Wiesel Exerpt

Write a letter to the author, ElieWiesel, by reflecting on “response” and the survivor stories you have read.  This letter is more of a reaction of how youfeel about what Elie and the two survivors had to endure during the Holocaust

Before writing your letter click on this link to learn a little bit more about him. As you read about Elie feel free to utilize the links on the webpage to discover more exciting information about our author.


Include this letter in your power point.   (Letter generator website.)


After you have written your letter:

1.  save as a PDF (letter to Elie Wiesel)

2.  Open your PDF and copy it

3.  attach the copy of your letter to your powerpoint.



What was Kristallnacht (Crystal Night or “The Night of Broken Glass)?


1. When did Kristallnacht happen and what was it?

2. What was the supposed spark that initiated this violence?

3. What was the role of police on this night?

4. What is “pogrom?”

5. After Kristallnacht, what happened to many Jews?

Possible Sites:

Kristallnacht:A Nationwide Pogrom, November 9-10, 1938

Kristallnacht:How Did Religious Leaders in the United States Respond?

Kristallnacht:The November 1938 Pogroms

Kristallnacht:The November 1938 Pogroms | Photos

UnitedStates Holocaust Memorial Museum Commemorates 70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht



How did Hitler gain power and begin Nazi Rule?


1. How and when did Hitler gain power and what was the Third Reich?

2. Who were the SS?

3. What was “Nazi Propaganda,” and how was it used?

4. What is euthanasia?

5. What is “anti-semitism?”

Possible Sites:

Adolf Hitler

Hitler Comes to Power

Nazi Propaganda: 1933-1945

Nazi Rule



What was life like in a Concentration Camp?


1. What are some of the things that happen to the prisoners when they first got to the camps?

2. What was “Selection?”

3. What was the difference between death camps and labor camps?

4. What happened to the personal items people brought them?

5. What were crematoriums and what were gas chambers?

Possible Links:

Concentration Camp Listing

Concentration Camps, 1933-1939

Forced Labor: An Overview

Nazi Camps



Did anyone try to save the Jews?


1. How did some people try to rescue Jews?

2. What was the“Resistance” movement?

3. How were some children hidden?

4. What happened during uprisings in camps?

5. What happened during uprisings in ghettos?

Possible Sites:


Chiune Sugihara: Visas For Life

Raoul Wallenberg and the Rescue of Jews in Budapest

Rescuers From the Holocaust/Introduction



What was “ghetto?”


1. How was a ghetto formed?

2. What kind of things did they have in a ghetto?

3. What were some of the rules of the ghetto?

4. How did the Nazis keep the Jews in the ghetto?

5. What happened after the Jews left the ghettos?

Possible Sites:



Life inthe Ghettos


Music of the Holocaust


Voices from the Lodz Ghetto


Warsaw Ghetto Uprising



What was the “Final Solution?”


1. What was the “Final Solution?”

2. Who were implementers of the “Final Solution?”

3. How was the “Final Solution” supposed to be carried out?

4. How many Jewish lives were lost as a result of “The Final Solution” and the Holocaust?

Possible Sites:

"Final Solution"

"Final Solution" Overview

The"Final Solution"

Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution"


Words to Know


"roll call" (German) - Inmates were forcedto stand at attention for hours at least twice a day while they were counted.This was always carried out no matter what the weather and often lasted forhours. Often accompanied by beatings and punishments.


The work detail that would empty the trains ofbelongings as well as store and sort these materials.


Prisoner on the verge of death.


Railway platform (ramp) located in Auschwitz II:Birkenau where selections were held after unloading from the trains


"selection" - SS officers, usually doctors,would quickly determine if a prisoner was able to work or not. Those chosen ascapable of working lived, while those determined uncapable of work were killed.Those determined uncapable to work were children, mothers with young children,elderly, invalids, and those worn out from work. Selections occured on therampa and randomly in the camp.


Work detail that were responsible for emptying outthe gas chamber and burning the bodies. These inmates were allowed better foodand clothing but were exterminated after approximately four months. Some ofthese inmates were forced to burn their own families.

Zyclon B

Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) - The poison that was droppedin crystal form, through a small hole in the ceiling, into the gas chambers.The pellets turned into a lethal gas once in air. Previous to its use in gaschambers, Zyklon B was a common insecticide.


Jewish mysticism studied by Jewish scholars.


 a small area of a city to which the Jewish people were restricted and from which they were forbidden to leave.

concentration camps

a group of labor and death camps in Germany and Poland.


overseer in charge of a work detail, or some other branch of a concentration camp. Often, kapos were selected from the prisoners—usually the criminals.



Concentration Camps


Inside WWII Map




 Photo Essay of the Holocaust








Web Link

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