
Maritime - Has Your Ship Come In?

How "SMART" Are You?



Use the ATE/SMART website listed below to answer the following questions.

How “SMART” are you?


Use the website from the resource below to answer the following questions on the SMART/ATE centers.

1.       What does the acronym SMART stand for?

2.      Who leads the SMART Center on the East Coast?

3.       List 3 ways in which the SMART Center bridges students into the maritime industry.

4.      How does industry benefit from the SMART program?

5.       How could you utilize SMART to further your education and/or training?

6.       What does the acronym ATE stand for?

7.      ATE centers are broken down by technology.   List the seven technological categories.

8.       Using the map of the United States, locate the following:

a.      Which types of educational centers are on the East coast?

b.       Which types of educational centers are on the West coast?

9.       How do SMART and the ATE centers infuse STEM into their program?

10.  How could you utilize SMART to further your education and/or training for future careers in the maritime industry?



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